Sunday, February 14, 2010

Part 1 of the Valentines day release! Groove Tube

Hey folks this will be part 1 of the uploads of valentines day! Since it is valentines day i' m going to post up happy romantic hmangas :D there's only two parts btw lol this will be for now and the other one for later! So this is called groove tube and its just being trasnlated as it is recently new. Its basically a story about a sister who loves her brother so there is INCEST and well she tricks her brother into having sex thats basically it lol. The second part of this release will be a doujinshi :D you guys try to guess the anime its pretty recent. NONETHELESS ENJOY THIS! Oh the artwork in this is pretty crazy lol it is extremely detailed!

ALSO i hope everyone here has a good valentines day whether it be with yourself, your significant other or even your family! For myself its just a torn confusion between should i go for it and risk our best friend status of friendship or just stay content with being best friends :/

Chapter 1

Chapter 2