Monday, March 1, 2010


Ok so ive uploaded like 4 new things so check below my posts :D! Also Thats all i'm gona upload for now wait till tomorrow ill upload more then. And to Staind i have not checked my hotmail yet as thats not my primary email give me tomorrow and ill try to talk to a translator about it soon. I wont be able to update some stuff unless its a rare day or weekend due to some crap going on. I will explain:

At my university i have been put on probation :/. basically i need to bring up my overall GPA or im gona get kicked out sigh. i think its cause ive been playing to much and not studying seriously so i have to get my ass in gear. I will still come to this site and chat and upload like one stuff like sometime in the middle of the week but please understand that schooling is a bit important in my life.... Nonetheless i hope i get bring up my grades for spring quarter cause im litteral fucked if i dont...